A place to share experiences, knowledge and expertise- helping entrepreneurs achieve operational excellence for their online businesses
How to automate your Client onboarding using Zapier, a 3rd pati API tool that serve to communicate between your different business tech platforms !
The ONE thing that’s keeping your course from being the best on the market: FEEDBACK. During the whole process of planning, strategizing, recreating, and doing it all over again, but if you aren’t adding in a process for collecting and enacting feedback received for your product, you could be at risk of missing out on […]
You need to get CLEAR on your ideal client, break away from that scarcity "I need to take them all on" mindset and know how to pre-qualify and question your potential clients!
You need to Cultivate Your Inner Client Circle
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It is essential that you realise your customers have the ‘experiencing self’ and the ‘remembering self’ and they choose between memories of experience, so reducing the friction and increasing the opportunity to delight them can weigh in your favour!
You need to get CLEAR on your ideal client, break away from that scarcity "I need to take them all on" mindset and know how to pre-qualify and question your potential clients!
You need to Cultivate Your Inner Client Circle
download now